Studying abroad


Studying abroad in the Netherlands can be an excellent opportunity for Indian students who are looking to pursue higher education in a foreign country. The Netherlands is known for its high-quality education system, diverse culture, and welcoming environment, making it an ideal destination for international students. Euro Education Consultants is a leading study abroad consultancy that helps students with their study abroad journey to the Netherlands.

One of the biggest advantages of studying in the Netherlands is the quality of education offered by top universities in the country. Dutch universities are globally renowned for their research and innovative teaching methods, providing students with the opportunity to learn from leading experts in their fields. Moreover, the country has a long-standing tradition of offering courses in English, making it an attractive destination for international students.

In addition to quality education, studying in the Netherlands also opens up job opportunities for Indian students. The country is home to many multinational corporations and startups, providing students with a chance to gain practical work experience while studying. Dutch universities also offer internship programs that allow students to gain work experience, enhancing their employability after graduation.

The cost of studying in the Netherlands for Indian students can be a concern, but it is relatively affordable when compared to other study-abroad destinations such as the United States or the United Kingdom. Additionally, Dutch universities offer a range of scholarships and grants for international students, making it easier to fund their education.


Advantages of Studying in Netherlands

High-Quality Education

The Netherlands is home to some of the top-ranked universities in the world, offering high-quality education across a wide range of disciplines. Dutch universities are known for their innovative teaching methods, research facilities, and practical approach to learning.

English-Taught Programs

Most universities in the Netherlands offer programs taught in English, making it an ideal destination for non-Dutch speakers. This makes it easier for international students to integrate and succeed in their studies.


Affordable Tuition Fees

Compared to other popular study destinations like the UK or US, the cost of studying in the Netherlands is relatively affordable. This makes it accessible to a wider range of students.

Scholarship Opportunities

There are a number of scholarships available to international students studying in the Netherlands, which can help reduce the cost of tuition fees and living expenses.

Multicultural Environment

The Netherlands is a multicultural society, with a high percentage of international students and expats. This provides an opportunity for students to learn from and interact with people from diverse backgrounds, making it a unique and enriching experience.

Career Opportunities

The Netherlands has a strong economy and is home to several multinational companies, making it an ideal destination for students seeking career opportunities after graduation. There are also opportunities for students to work part-time while studying, allowing them to gain valuable work experience and supplement their income.

Safe and Welcoming Environment

The Netherlands is known for being a safe and welcoming country, with a high quality of life. International students are provided with support and resources to help them adjust to life in the Netherlands, making it an ideal destination for students seeking a positive and supportive study experience.


Frequently Asked Questions

Ten commonly asked questions and answers about Euro Education Consultants

What are the entry requirements for studying in the Netherlands?
Entry requirements vary depending on the program and university, but generally, students need to have completed secondary education and meet language proficiency requirements in English or Dutch.
Can I work while studying in the Netherlands?

Yes, students can work up to 16 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during holidays. Non-EU students may need a work permit.

What are the living expenses in the Netherlands?
The cost of living in the Netherlands can vary depending on the city and lifestyle, but on average, students should budget around 800-1,200 EUR per month for housing, food, transportation, and other expenses.
How long does it take to get a student visa for the Netherlands?

 It can take up to 4 weeks to process a student visa application, so students should apply well in advance of their program start date.

Can I apply for scholarships to study in the Netherlands?
Yes, there are a variety of scholarships available to international students to study in the Netherlands, such as the Holland Scholarship and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees.
Do I need health insurance to study in the Netherlands?
Yes, all students are required to have health insurance while studying in the Netherlands. Students can either purchase private health insurance or apply for the Dutch national health insurance.
What are the top universities in the Netherlands?
The top universities in the Netherlands include the University of Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology, Leiden University, and Utrecht University.
What programs are popular among international students in the Netherlands?
Popular programs for international students in the Netherlands include business, engineering, social sciences, and computer science.
Can I stay in the Netherlands after graduation?
Yes, students can apply for a one-year orientation year permit to stay in the Netherlands after graduation to find work or start a business.
How can Euro Education Consultants help me with studying in the Netherlands?

Euro Education Consultants can assist students with the entire process of studying in the Netherlands, from selecting universities and programs to visa applications and accommodation. They also provide information on scholarships, part-time work, and other resources to help students succeed.